For Arianna Rimes only

For Arianna Rimes only

APA Format 

2 reference 



learn more about your chosen discipline, respond to the following set of questions that best applies to you. You only need to respond to 1 set of questions, as follows:

  • Currently Working in Your Chosen Discipline
    • What is one new thing that you learned by researching this area?
    • Describe what you do at your current position that matches the information that you found?
    • What is something that you do at your current position that you did not discover during your research that you feel would be beneficial to share with your classmates?
  • Chosen Discipline is Your Future Career Goal
    • What did you learn from your exploration that you did not know before?
    • After your research, is this still an area that interests you? Why or why not?
    • After learning more about this field, do you feel that you have the skills and experience that are required for this field? Why or why not?
  • Currently Working in a Field Outside of HR or Planning to Pursue a Field Outside of HR
    • What did you discover from your exploration?
    • Has learning about this discipline changed how you view your current or future career? Why or why not?
    • What is something that you learned from your exploration that can be applied to your current or future career?


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