Mistakes when choosing a profession

Mistakes when choosing a profession

professionSubstitution of the choice of a profession by the choice of a university, and even more often the Unified State Exam. It is a common mistake of a high school student. Having outlined the desired specialty only approximately, the future applicant (often together with his parents) starts looking for an educational institution, training courses and tutors, without having an accurate idea of ​​the profession. If a graduate is afraid of exams, he takes the subjects that are easier. And according to the available estimates, he begins to look for a place in the university.

Not everyone manages to choose a profession for themselves once and for all. As you gain experience, you rethink your own activities. The benefits of work for people, its profitability and whether it brings satisfaction are considered. Another specialization is acquired or the sphere of employment changes, sometimes this is due to a general unfavorable situation in the profession. Let us consider another case, when, while still studying, a student realizes that he is not studying the specialty that he would like to learn. The realization that you made a mistake can come quite late, in senior years. As a result, a person quits what he started or completes his studies without interest, but goes to work not in his specialty.

Why it happens? Possible options:

  1. Changing the system of values, outlooks on the world in of study (for example, the future financier realizes that for him only what happening with his own hands makes sense, and the numbers on paper that have to operate are not admirable).
  2. Passion for some other profession, field of activity.
  3. Understanding that you cannot be a successful student, study well.
  4. A frustrating encounter with the everyday life of the profession. For example, a student teacher who first got into practice at a school or kindergarten realizes how annoying and not interested he is by children.

Sometimes the idea to change a specialty from external reasons, for example, a change in the situation on the labor market during a student’s studies at a university: a sharp drop in the demand for a profession or a decrease in the level of salaries, etc. There is a risk of not guessing with the future specialty, when an institution or a profession is chosen under the influence of relatives or friends. But even in that situation, if the profession is chosen, it is not always correct. In the second case, there can be many reasons for the error. This is the search for a position only by the degree of its prestige or by the number of salaries in this area, and a romantic idea of ​​work, far from the real state of affairs. The prospective student may also confuse interest in a particular school subject or a good attitude of the teacher with the real task of acquiring a specialty. And applicants to pedagogical or psychological faculties may, without even realizing it, be guided in their choice by the desire to solve their own problems.

The right choice of profession in the field

professionWhat to do? The first and most important advice in the situation of choosing a profession is as much practice as possible, even before entering a university, in the senior grades of school.

Very often, a student attends courses and goes to tutors, missing out on the opportunity to get to know the profession. A high school student who has already begun to gain experience in his specialty, having entered a university, can combine studies with part-time work. He will leave the institute not with a diploma, but already having a good experience of professional activity. Different practices are possible and useful for everyone:

  1. If you are interested in working with people (teacher, psychologist, etc.), then it is important to try yourself in it. You can take part in a volunteer program, a field camp, help in a children’s or social center.
  2. If you want to become a doctor, you can always offer your voluntary help as a medical orderly, to understand how he feels in the hospital, and to look at the real everyday life of medical workers. If you are interested in financial specialties, practice can be obtained in a playful way, attending various business classes for young people (information about such events is very easy to find on the Internet).
  3. If you are interested in technical, engineering specialties, then you can always work as an apprentice at a plant or factory. An engineer with a higher education performs a design and supervisory function. Despite having learned the basics of the profession, feeling with his hands what will later need to be implemented. It will be much easier to cope with more complicated tasks.
  4. Interest in creative professions (artist, actor, writer, musician, etc.) arises in a child from the cradle. It is very easy to get practice and understand the possibilities. Starting from elementary grades, you can take part in school performances, play at concerts, show your works to other people. A high professional rating is a good impetus to a creative future.

If there are acquaintances or relatives working in a specialty of interest, then you need to ask them about the profession. It is advisable to visit the place of work with them (if allowed), attend a discussion of issues with colleagues, or ask for a small task to complete.

It is important for the future student to meet the profession as early as possible and have a real idea of ​​a specific type of activity. When a person is confident in his choice, knows that he is doing his job. It is full of enthusiasm and striving to develop, approaches the business, he will definitely become a professional. This means that the specialty is chosen.


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