2323 disc no later than 02/18/17

2323 disc no later than 02/18/17

Watch the video and examine the chart in the following links.Eyewitness MisidentificationThe Causes of Wrongful Conviction1. According to the chart on “Contributing Causes of Wrongful Convictions,” how many people have been exonerated through DNA testing?2. How many of those wrongful convictions were based on faulty eyewitness identification?3. Explain what “double blind administration” of lineups means.4. Can you think of any other professions or fields of study that uses a “double blind” procedure?5. When a person is wrongfully convicted, it also means the real perpetrator has not been brought to justice. If DNA can free or prevent hundreds or thousands of people from being wrongfully convicted, would you support a national DNA database for the purpose of solving crimes? Would you feel comfortable being a part of that database?

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