What questions are asked on thesis defense?

What questions are asked on thesis defense?

Well, now you have overcome this milestone of 60 pages! He poured enough water for the children of Africa and finally relaxed. But that’s not all. There is a thesis defense ahead of you, where you need to prove to the commission of professors that your work is not nonsense, but a serious study that is worthy of the Nobel Prize! Reading a report is half the battle. To get approval and the cherished crust, it is necessary to answer the questions of the commission. This is the most stressful thing that awaits you. Because no one will issue questions in advance, which means you need to answer online. But you can prepare yourself so as not to lose face.

thesis defenseReading a report is half the battle. To get approval and the cherished crust, it is necessary to answer the questions of the commission. This is the most stressful thing that awaits you. Because no one will issue questions in advance, which means you need to answer online. But you can prepare yourself so as not to lose face.

Why will they ask questions on thesis defense?

Students believe that if they are asked questions, then the job is very bad. This is not true! The commission is obliged to ask at least something to enter the data into the protocol (these are the rules). It is also very difficult to convey the whole essence of the research in 7-10 minutes, so the members of the commission will ask clarifying questions about the research. There is no need to worry here, because they will all be only for the work on which you have been working for a long time.

How to answer thesis defense questions?

Even if you know every line of your diploma by heart, the factor of excitement and fear has not been canceled. You need to respond to questions from members of the commission, analyze the information in your head and give an answer.

Do not drag out the silence!

How many questions?

Usually about 2-4 questions are asked. This will help the committee determine how ready the student is and how well they know the topic. If you answer and crumple, then the number of questions can increase to 10. But this happens rarely, because the time for defense is limited.

To get as few complaints as possible and reduce time at the lectern, answer and.

What questions?

I will not name the exact questions for your diploma, but I will help to predict them myself.

As a rule, a thesis consists of two parts: theory and practice. Thus, there will be questions on both sides. Not necessary, but possible.

thesis defense

According to theory, they usually ask questions that relate to scientists studying your topic, the essence of the research, what problems were, how they were solved and others.

In practice, they ask the following: why is this practical research needed, what result did they come to, where did the data for the practical part come from, questions about formulas and schemes, and others.

Remember that the commission does not have a goal to overwhelm you, they only want to help understand the topic and delve into it themselves. And thanks to this article, you can prepare sample questions and answers to them. And you will not get lost on the defense.


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