Lab report based on DeBruine et al. (2010);Please kindly work on top of that as a lot of the information the writer wrote was utterly irrelevant to what this lab report is about. 12/08/2018 18:21 PM: Furthermore, idea for methodology is wrong, it shoudlnt

Lab report based on DeBruine et al. (2010);Please kindly work on top of that as a lot of the information the writer wrote was utterly irrelevant to what this lab report is about. 12/08/2018 18:21 PM: Furthermore, idea for methodology is wrong, it shoudlnt

PLEASE KINDLY ASK THE WRITER TO CAREFULLY READ ALL THE MATERIALS I UPLOADS, INCLUDING THE TEXTBOOKS DOCUMENT BEFORE HE ATTEMPTS TO WRITE AGAIN. *** And – Please kindly work on top of that as a lot of the information the writer wrote was utterly irrelevant to what this lab report is about. 12/08/2018 18:21 PM: Furthermore, idea for methodology is wrong, it shoudlnt be based on DeBruine et al, .2010, it should only be based on the experiment we did, which is explained in slides 1 and slides 2. I have now uploaded an outline for the method with some relevant results as well. 

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