Oman Foreign Policy.

Oman Foreign Policy.

Term Paper will combine six components: Clear and concise research question. Theoretical Framework. Literature review. Statement of hypotheses. Operationalization and measurement of variables. Data acquisition. Reporting and analysis of data. Summary and Conclusions. Bibliography (minimum 4 titles). Research proposal Topic: Oman foreign policy. Research question: What are the basic tenets of your Oman’s foreign policy? How are they influenced by local, regional and global politics? Hypothesis: Oman foreign policy is massively impacted and influenced by the GCC. Literature Review: Operationalization and measurement of variables: The operation that my paper will be written in is qualitative method (include the sources). Data Acquisition: Data will be directly taken from library books, journals, e-books, and articles from online sources such as AUK’s online library. Data Analysis: Introduction: Brief information about Oman. (Background information). – Who is ruling it? – Where is it located? – How big is it? – What language does its people play? – What is it famous for? Body: 1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oman. a. What are the rules and regulations? b. How many ministers did they have? c. Who is the current minister? 2. Local politics influence. a. Where did they side? b. Specific topic: Arab Spring. (Libya, Egypt, & Syria overthrew their rulers.) c. Secular State. 3. Regional politics influence. a. Arab Unity. b. Neutral country. c. Good relations with GCC. 4. Global politics influence. a. KSA vs. Qatar issue. b. Syria’s case. c. Russia & US. d. Iran. e. Oman is with or against? Conclusion: To sum everything up, Sultanate of Oman is a nation on the Arabian Peninsula that participates in local, regional, and global politics. It’s basic tenets of Arab is to unite all Arab, have good relations with GCC, be a secular and a neutral state not supporting religion or irreligion. Works Cited: Cafiero, Giorgio, and Yefet A. “Oman and the GCC: A Solid Relationship?” Middle East Policy, vol. 23, no. 3, Fall 2016, pp. 49-55. EBSCOhost. Kechichian, Joseph. “Oman and the World: The Emergence of an Independent Foreign Policy” Google Scholar, 30 Oct. 2018, pp. 20-37. Schnzer, Jonathon and Koduvyur, Varsha. “Kuwait and Oman Are Stuck in Arab No Man’s Land”. Foreign policy. Accessed 30 Oct. 2018. Add more academic sources. 8 pages + bibliography

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