Stories to compare: Thoma King’s ‘The Baby in the Airmail Box
” and Susan Swan’s ‘The Man Doll’

Stories to compare: Thoma King’s ‘The Baby in the Airmail Box
” and Susan Swan’s ‘The Man Doll’


Using the following essay prompts, create a specific argument. 1) In many works of literature, romantic relationships between characters create, 
clarify, or complicate central themes of the work; or, in other words, these 
texts use a romantic relationship—positive or negative —to contribute to the 
meaning of the work as a whole. Choosing two of the short stories that we have studied, compare and contrast 
the ways in which they use romantic relationships to deepen a common, central theme. Be sure to explicitly state what this theme is (i.e., the negative influence of technology, a lack of communication, or anything else that stood out for you from within the stories). Stories to compare: Thoma King’s ‘The Baby in the Airmail Box
” and Susan Swan’s ‘The Man Doll’

Please use quotes from the short stories to prove points. The two sources should be the two short stories.

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